“Joint Symposium on Regenerative Medicine and Longevity”
(Keio Longevity Initiative Symposium)
by Washington University in St. Louis
and Keio University
■Date and Time:10:00-17:00, Saturday, August 20, 2016
■Venue: Large Conference Room, 11F, Building 2, Keio University Hospital,
Shinanomachi Campus, Keio University
■Program:Please refer to the PDF
■Remarks:Atsushi Seike, President, Keio University
Jiro Kokuryo, Vice-President, Keio University
■Speakers:Washington University in St. Louis
Lilianna Solnica-Krezel (Professor, Head of the Department of Developmental Biology)
Andrew Yoo (Assistant Professor, Department of Developmental Biology)
Kelly Monk (Associate Professor, Department of Developmental Biology)
Fumihiko Urano (Professor, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid Research)
Stacey Rentschler (Assistant Professor, Cardiovascular Division and Department of Developmental Biology)
Keio University
Hideyuki Okano (Dean of the School of Medicine)
Masaya Nakamura (Professor, Department of Orthopedics)
Hiroshi Itoh, Professor (Department of Nephrology, Endocrinology, and Metabolism)
Keiichi Fukuda (Professor, Department of Cardiology)
Yasumichi Arai (Senior Assistant Professor, Center for Supercentenarian Medical Research)
■MC:Kazuo Tsubota, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Keio University
■Language used:English
■Pre-registration:Please send your name and affiliation to attend the symposium to the email address below.
Office of Research Development and Sponsored Projects at Shinanomachi Campus,
Keio University School of Medicine